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Usage[edit source]

  • Title: Name of the television series.
  • Image: Image that represents the show, from the Logo to the Boxart, or Title Card.
  • Descr: Description of the Image that is represented.
  • Producer: The company that produced the TV show (usually you).
  • Distributor: The company that distributes the TV show around the world.
  • Broadcaster: The company/channel that broadcasts the TV show. Each country has its own different channels, so the show may not be broadcasted by the same channel in every nation.
  • Type: The type of a certain TV show (Live Action, Animation)
  • Genre: What's this show's genre. (E.g.: Horror, Comedy, Soap, etc.)
  • Firstair: The airing date the pilot episode (first episode). Each region has a different airing date, so don't forget other regions.
  • Lastair: The airing date the series finale (last episode), or the latest episode to date. Each region has a different airing date, so don't forget other regions.
  • Opening: The song that plays during the intro. Usually the main theme.
  • Ending: The song that plays during the credits. Usually an instrumental, shorter version of the main theme.
  • Country: The country it was first aired in, or produced in.
  • Language: The language the episodes were first aired/produced in
  • Seasons: The (current) amount of seasons
  • Episodes: The total amount of episodes that are (currently) aired.
  • Ratings: What's this show's rating. (E.g.: TV-PG) European, German, Japanese and/or Australian ratings optional
  • Runtime: The amount of time one episode lasts.
  • Status: The current status of the television series (e.g. Airing, Ended)